Obstetric Anaesthetic Crisis Resource Management

The course is based around a series of realistic simulated scenarios using high-fidelity manikins. Considerable emphasis is placed on reviewing and improving non-technical skills.


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*FREE for Mid Yorkshire Nurses, ANPs & HCAs

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This course is based around a series of realistic simulated scenarios using high-fidelity manikins. Considerable emphasis is placed on reviewing and improving non-technical skills.

A full day course based in our Simulation Suites where Anaesthetics staff go through a range of Emergency Obstetric scenarios, with emphasis on human factors including common and uncommon situations. Feedback is provided after each with presentations on a variety of topics.


  • 2A01: Advanced airway management.
  • 2B02: General anaesthesia for elective and emergency LSCS.
  • 2B04: Regional anaesthesia complications in the pregnant patient.
  • 2B05: Management of obstetric emergencies.
  • 2B06: Assessment of the critically ill parturient.

This course is taught by Ms N Syed, Consultant in Anaesthesia and is located at the Trust HQ & Education Centre, Pinderfields.


This course is aimed at the following grades:

  • CT1
  • CT2
  • ST1
  • ST2
  • ST3
  • ST4
  • ST5
  • ST6
  • ST7
  • Consultant