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We provide a high standard of undergraduate clinical placements for students from Leeds School of Medicine here at our hospitals within the MidYorks NHS Trust
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Here at MidYorks NHS Trust, we have a  glowing reputation for the clinical  placements we provide for our undergraduates, winning numerous  clinical excellence awards over the past few years

We have introduced innovative teaching  programmes such as our themed fifth year teaching days, ultrasound courses, clinical fellows teaching, simulation days,  mock OSCE evenings, revision sessions, lunchtime daily teaching, radiology workshops, gynae and paediatric teaching  days plus much more to enhance our placements that already evaluate extremely positively

In the academic year of 2020-2021 we achieved our highest rating for our  undergraduate placements that we have ever received

We have placements running throughout  the year over a wide range of specialities  for medical students who are currently at  University of Leeds School of Medicine


Placement Opportunties

  • Clinical Placements
  • Clinical Fellows

Year 1

Welcome you to your Tuesday morning clinical placement at the Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust.

You will be working in pairs on a rotational placement and the aim of the placement is to gain an appreciation of how the hospital runs and how different teams of staff contribute to safe and effective patient care and experience. With this in mind, each week, you will rotate out to a variety of clinical placements throughout the Trust and then return at 12 midday to the Undergraduate Skills Lab in the Trust HQ/Education Centre at Pinderfields to have a plenary session where we will reflect as a group on what you have seen and experienced before you go back to Leeds on the bus organised by the Medical School.

Year 2

Hello and welcome to your Second Year Placement at the Mid -Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust.

You will be spending Thursdays throughout the year with us on clinical placement- having teaching on  History taking and Examination relevant to Body Systems which you are studying in your second year  curriculum. You will be going into the ward areas with Clinical Teachers and Clinical Fellows to put into  practice the theory you have learnt, meeting patients with clinical signs and symptoms allowing you to  contextualise your learning.

We will be doing clinical skills and an RRAPID workshop with you as well as a session on Pharmacology.  You will also have an introduction to Radiology- learning about x rays and their relevance to diagnosis

Year 3

  • 1 Elderly Medicine - Welcome to the 3rd year Medicine for Older People attachment. We are proud of our student teaching here at MidYorks and have been recognised with a Clinical Teaching Excellence Award from the University. Working in Elderly medicine is all about teamwork and we would like you to be part of the team. We look after older patients with medical problems that include hip fractures, stroke, dementia, frailty, continence and mobility issues and end of life care. The patients have complex needs and this placement aims to give you an insight into our work and inspire you to pursue careers in our speciality
  • 2 General Medicine - Welcome to your year three clinical placement. This unique attachment covers spinal, cardiology, orthopaedics and respiratory. It provides excellent opportunities for learning about specialised services, often found in tertiary referral centres. This attachment was awarded a clinical teaching excellence award in 2014. The team aims to maintain this high standard and welcomes feedback from all the students to help achieve this. Many students who do their undergraduate training here at Pinderfields return for their foundation years, a reflection of the popularity of the student placements
  • 3 General Surgery - Welcome to the 3rd year General Surgery placement. We provide a range of general and specialised hospital services from our 3 hospital sites, as well as additional community clinics.
  • 4 Special Senses - Welcome to your year three clinical placement within special senses here at MidYorks. Over your four week placement you will spend a different week in Dermatology, ENT and Ophthalmology with the remaining week a self-directed week

Year 4

  • 1 Acute and Critical Care - Welcome to Pinderfields 4th year ACC placement. Pinderfields is a very busy district hospital in a large modern building with extensive facilities: 15 operating theatres, a 60-bedded medical Admissions Unit (MAU), a large Emergency Department and critical care facilities. We have a track record for delivering excellent Undergraduate and Postgraduate medical training and have gained a coveted Clinical teaching excellence award from the Leeds Medical School in March 2014 for our ACC placement and support of the introductory week for all Leeds Medical School ACC students. You will spend your time on placement based in EM, AAU, ICU and anaesthetics
  • 2 GOSH (Women’s Health) - Welcome to our busy Obstetrics & Gynaecology department. As a department, a lot of emphasis is placed on the provision of high quality clinical care to our clients/patients. During your placement you will be able to learn clinical knowledge and skills from medical and Midwifery staff. I am certain you will have a good experience and will be able to achieve your goals during the placement
  • 3 Paediatrics - Welcome to your 4th year paediatrics placement. We hope that you enjoy your time here and develop your knowledge and practical skills in paediatric and child health. The trust is spread across 3 sites: Pinderfields, Pontefract and Dewsbury. You will work alongside the teams on all 3 sites and gain exposure to acute and outpatient paediatrics as well as neonates. There are also opportunities to see children in the Emergency Department and to observe routine or emergency surgery. While on placement each student will be paired with a middle grade and a consultant as their mentors

Year 5

  • 1 Acute Medicine - Welcome to a to a very different 5th year ‘Super-assistantship placement’ in Acute Medicine. We assess and treat a wide range of adult patients on MAU and also have an Ambulatory Care Unit, where we see semi-acute patients referred from GP and the Emergency Department. We support a large number of medical trainees in their professional development. This is a busy place where you will work closely with junior doctors, whilst being supported by more senior doctors. You will work with junior doctors and be totally immersed in clinical care
  • 2 Cardiovascular Medicine - Welcome to this 4 week integrated clinical placement. We hope that you will gain a wide experience in the relevant clinical areas during your time with us at Pinderfields Hospital. There are great learning opportunities and a team of clinicians who are enthusiastic to teach you – we encourage you to make the most of these!
  • 3 Diabetes/Endocrine - Welcome to your 5th Year Clinical Placement at Pinderfields Hospital. During your time here you will spend 2 weeks with the Diabetes & Endocrine team and one week each with Endocrine Surgery and Vascular Surgery. Due to the structures of the teams and bearing in mid the current pandemic restrictions we have tried to make the placement more hands on for students with more emphasis on ward based learning and bedside assessments and teaching and limited outpatient clinics due to restrictions in place for seeing face to face patients in clinic. The placement aims to provide you with broad experience in the speciality as well as a good exposure to general internal medicine and surgery where you will develop confidence in your own ability to work as a FY1 by shadowing and working alongside the junior doctors, with consultant supervision and some lecture based teaching
  • 4 Elderly Medicine - We are fantastic and highly motivating team and we ensure that the needs for 5th year medical students are met and also lead you to have more hands onto the clinical skills on the wards. Normally on Tuesday it will be whole day of teaching at DDH site by clinical fellows during elderly care rotation. You will find Gate 41(Admission and elderly frailty unit), Gate 42(Geriatric and Orthogeriatric ward),Gate 43(General Elderly care) ward at PGH, and ward 2,11 at DDH site with frailty and admission unit at ward 9 DDH.All wards have junior doctors including FY1, SHO, Physician associates and Doctor assistant with the dedicated Consultants across all wards. You will find plenty of opportunities to take history, examination, management plan and case to follow as well at both sites during the rotation along with on-calls
  • 5 Emergency Medicine - Welcome to our busy Emergency Department (ED). We are the front door of the hospital We assess and treat the entire range of patient presentations at all ages. After orientating to the clinical environment and receiving skills training, you will work shifts alongside an EM junior doctors (whilst being supported by more senior doctors). During your Super-Assistantship role you will deliver patient care and evolve roles and responsibilities under the close supervision of a junior doctor. You will be very impressed how we progress your abilities over just four-weeks
  • 6 Gastroenterology - Welcome to Pinderfields 5th year Gastroenterology placement. We hope that you will enjoy this placement and that the introduction of gastroenterology will give you a good overall perspective of this specialty. We have a busy and dynamic inpatient and outpatient service that you will experience during your placement
  • 7 GI Surgery - Welcome to Mid Yorkshire 5th year GI Surgery placement. Pinderfields is a busy district general hospital in a large modern building with extensive facilities: 15 operating theatres, a sixty-bedded medical Acute Assessment Unit (AAU), SDEC, huge Emergency Department and Critical Care facilities. We hope that you will enjoy this placement and that the introduction of GI surgical input gives you a good overall perspective of this specialty
  • 8 MSK - Welcome to your Mid-Yorkshire Musculoskeletal attachment based at Pinderfields General Hospital and Dewsbury District Hospital. This is a four week block in which we will endeavour to expose you to Rheumatology, and Orthopaedics. During this placement you will see the entire range of musculoskeletal disease from the common simple joint disorders such as osteoarthritis through inflammatory arthritis including rheumatoid arthritis, and gout, to the more exotic and rare connective tissues disorders such as vasculitis, systemic sclerosis, sarcoid and Behçet’s. We intend to show you how to elicit the clinical features of these diseases and an approach to assessing and managing both the condition and the complications of disease and treatment
  • 9 Plastics -
  • 10 Respiratory - Welcome to the Mid Yorkshire NHS Trust Respiratory Department. This attachment will give you a unique experience in acute and chronic respiratory diseases in secondary care as well as in the community. We hope that you will enjoy your time with us and will gain valuable experience in a busy general respiratory department. Please don’t hesitate to ask if there are any aspects that are unclear. Getting to know everyone is difficult as the department is large. However you will get to know most of the Consultants, Specialist Trainees, Junior Doctors, Senior Nurses and many of the Nurse Specialists. Our staff are very friendly and keen to have students in the department. You will be particularly popular if you add something to the service rather than just stand around expecting to be taught and trained. So do get involved and learn from the experienced Nurses as well as the Doctors
  • 11 Urology - Welcome to the Urology Department of Mid Yorkshire NHS Trust. We are a busy department, with a wide range of urological practices. During your placement, you will work closely with our FY1s (whilst being supported by doctors that are more senior). We hope you will embrace the challenge of working in a unit with a high patient turnover. We have a large urology department and we appreciate this can sometimes be daunting, apart from the placement leads you will meet the majority of consultants, junior doctors, nurse specialists and ward nurses. All members of the team are approachable and keen to facilitate your educational experience. We want you to be active members of the team, take responsibility for patient care (supervised) and access the learning opportunities available. If you are interested in surgery as a career, please contact us before the placement so that we can timetable in a theatre week. If we do not hear from you in advance, you will have the opportunity to a day or two during the placement. To gain the best theatre exposure travel between sites would be required

The undergraduate medical education team at Mid Yorkshire has a team of nine clinical fellows who are all post foundation  training doctors in roles dedicated in delivering near-peer teaching and simulation with undergraduate medical students and  FY1 doctors. Many often combine this role with work in clinical specialities across West Yorkshire. The team have been  recognised for their excellent contribution to undergraduate medical education, receiving Clinical Teacher Excellence Awards  from the University of Leeds. 

The team work with medical students in years 1 to 5 alongside the clinical teachers. For students in years 1 and 2, the clinical  fellows support our clinical teachers with bedside teaching, skills teaching and delivery of RRAPID. Students in Year 3, receive  small group teaching from the clinical fellows on a range of topics. The clinical fellow team also work alongside specialities to  deliver teaching to 4th year students attending Mid Yorkshire, including a paediatric theme day, an induction for Acute and  

Critical Care students (comprising of simulation and skills teaching, as well as speciality airway management) and obstetrics and gynaecology teaching. 

For 5th Year Students the clinical fellows have designed and deliver IMPRES5 (Investigations, Management, Prescribing and  Simulation in Year 5). This is award winning 8-week programme allows each 5th year on placement at Mid Yorkshire to attend  a full day of protected teaching each week. It includes case-based discussions, investigation interpretation and simulations  centred around a topic for example “the breathless patient”, as well as a cardiac arrest day and for those post final exams, a  FY1 preparation day. This programme assists in equipping final years to be safe, competent and confident FY1 doctors. 

The clinical fellows work cross-site at both Dewsbury Oakwell Centre and Pinderfields Trust Headquarters and continually  striving to deliver high quality and enjoyable teaching. We hope to see you soon! 


Senior Clinical Fellows
Dr Samantha Williamson
Dr Hayley Boal
Dr Joe Gleeson

Clinical Fellows
Dr Ashley Wragg
Dr Joe Thompson
Dr Tom Sharp
Dr Abby Chisholm
Dr Eleanor Dodd
Dr Becky Morris

Graduate Testimonials

What do our students and delegates think

Testimonail Image

Highly commended and well-organised placement with good support from the clinical lead. Students enjoyed varied timetables, rotating around different specialities. 

(General Medicine, Year 3 student)

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Highly rated placement covered a good variety of ward work and time in acute units, well supported by doctors at all levels. Lots of opportunities to practice clinical skills provided good preparation for future F1 roles 

(Respiratory Medicine – Year 5 student)

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Students appreciated greater independence and responsibility for patient care, assessing and examining patients and discussing management plans. 

(Acute and Critical Care Placement, Year 4 student)